-Displays the current weather conditions
-Displays today's forecast(3 hour intervals)
-Displays the next 5 days forecast
-Html,Css and Javascript
-Api from Openweather for weather forecasting
-Php for keeping tracking of all available cities
-Generate easy and hard sudoku puzzles
-Allow users to play generated easy and hard sudoku puzzles
-Solve user submitted sudokus
-Display calculated legal candidates for a cells
-Allows users to add their own legal candidates for a cell
-Html,Css and Javascript
-React(with remix) for frontend
-Java Springboot for backend
-Allows users to play a hangman game
-Keeps track of how many lives left with a lives counter and hangman drawing
-Html,Css and Javascript
-Api for generating random words
My name is Eric Vuong and I graduated with a degree of bachelor of information and communication technology at Western Sydney University(August 2022).
I enjoy coding and made this website in my free time to showcase some of my projects.